The nurse covered him with a heated blanket, and Matt basked in the warmth. The cold he'd noticed earlier while still in his smashed car hadn't left him. She asked him questions, and mostly Emily answered them for him, but Nurse Perky didn't seem to mind. She just wrote everything down, poked and prodded him in half a dozen places, took his vital signs, and left him alone, for which he was grateful. Emily pulled a chair up close beside him, and being careful of the IV tubing, took his unburdened right between both of hers. "I'm sorry, Emily," he muttered, fighting the drowsiness caused by the medication. "Stupid." "What's stupid?" "Me." Emily shook her head, smoothing back the hair from his forehead and dropping a quick kiss there. "We all do stupid stuff, Matt. Sometimes I think we're just lucky if we don't kill someone else with our stupidity." "You're not mad at me?" "I'll be mad at you later. Right now I'm just thankful you're still in one piece." "Sort of, anyway. He grinned weakly, then felt his eyes drooping again, and succumbed to the painkiller for a few moments. Emily's voice stirred him back to the here and now. "You going to sleep on me?" "Just resting my eyelids a little." Matt wasn't sure how long he rested his eyelids, but when he lifted them again, his nurse had returned with a doctor, and the pain was beginning to work its way through the fog of medication that had been protecting him. "Mr. Flannery, I'm Doctor Milburn. Looks like you had a bit of an accident." Matt didn't bother replying to that. He saw Emily roll her eyes a little behind the doctor's back, and tried not to smile. With an intensity of concentration akin to that Frank exhibited when he was about to take out an HT, the doctor looked him over from head to toe, paying special attention to his sore shoulder and both ankles. Matt winced when he probed the right, but when the doctor touched his left ankle, he yelped. "Sorry about that." His examination completed, the doctor re-covered Matt with his warm blanket. Chilled a bit from the exposure, Matt shivered. Emily immediately tucked the blanket more closely around him, and he smiled his thanks. "You've slightly dislocated your shoulder," Dr. Milburn continued, "and I'm going to put it back in place now. You may feel some discomfort. I'm going to have Karen hold you in place a bit, so don't panic." The nurse, whose name was evidently Karen, positioned herself at Matt's head, and clamped tightly on his uninjured right shoulder. With a movement almost too quick to see, Dr. Milburn slipped his shoulder joint back into place. The agony was intense for a moment, and Matt gritted his teeth to keep from crying out. Seconds later, the pain in his shoulder was all but gone. The only thing in its wake was a residual soreness, far milder than what he'd been feeling for the past hour. "Hey, that's great," he said, amazed, and Dr. Milburn nodded. "It always seems miraculous," he agreed. "Unfortunately, I can't treat your other ailments quite as magically. I'm going to send you for some X-rays in a few minutes, and we'll see what else we're dealing with. How's your pain level at the moment? Medication beginning to wear off a bit?" "Yeah, a little. Shoulder feels ok now, but I have a hell of a headache. Ankles still hurt." "Especially since I poked around on them, right?" Dr. Milburn grinned, and Matt decided maybe he liked this guy after all. "Karen will put a little more Morphine in your IV in a few minutes. That will help you get through the X-rays. You're going to need a few stitches in your head, but we'll take care of that afterwards." "Stitches? C'mon, Doc, are you sure I need stitches?" "Pretty sure, yes." There was only a hint of sarcasm in his tone, but at Emily's steady look, the doctor moderated his tone. "Don't worry about the amount of blood, however. Head wounds normally bleed quite a bit, and that's nothing to worry about. The good news is that you don't show any signs of concussion. It looks like you just banged your head against the window and got a nasty cut." While the doctor had been talking, Karen had slipped out of the cubicle and returned with another syringe of FeelGood. As his pain ebbed toward the fuzzy edges of his consciousness, Matt heard his speech begin to slur. "I guess. I don't really remember...all happened too fast." "You have a pretty nasty gash on your head, Matt," Emily told him. She gave his arm a pat of sympathy. "Don't worry, I'll hold your hand." They both disliked needles, but where Emily always viewed them as a necessary evil, Matt avoided them like the plague, and he knew he would need two, possibly three injections of local anesthetic to deaden the area to be stitched. Having seen Emily receive similar treatment in the past, he knew the injections were far worse than the actual stitches. "Gee, thanks." "Just rest for a few minutes, Mr. Flannery, until someone comes to take you to X-ray." With that, Dr. Milburn ducked around the curtain and was gone. They didn't have to wait long. Less than ten minutes passed before an enormous man with a big smile and a gentle manner came to wheel him away. Matt held out his hand toward Emily as he floated past her, and she gave it a good squeeze. "I'll be right here," he heard her say. He might have dozed on the way to X-ray, or it might have only been a ten second walk from the ER. He wasn't sure, but before Matt was aware of any time passing at all, he had been turned over to a small woman wearing a scrub jacket with little penguins all over it. That was appropriate, Matt thought, since the temperature in the room was roughly four degrees Fahrenheit. "F-freezing!" he complained as she took his blanket away and positioned him for the first X-ray. "Sorry," she replied briskly, not sounding sorry at all. "It's always a little chilly in here. I'll be finished with you in a few minutes, and you can cover up again." Matt endured the cold, and from far away was vaguely aware of some pain as she moved his feet and legs into different poses. Finally, when she finished, she produced another of those wonderfully warm blankets to replace his old, cooled-off one. She handed him back over to the orderly, whose name he learned was Geoffrey, and Matt felt the world whirling past as they left the room. "Woah," he said, feeling a bit of motion-sickness. "You okay?" "Just a little..." Matt placed his hand over his stomach, as if that would somehow hold back the steadily growing nausea. "I'm--I need--" He tried to warn Geoffrey of impending danger as his gurney was returned to his cubicle, but the orderly was way ahead of him. "Just try not to fight it," he advised, and Matt saw that he was already holding a plastic basin in front of his patient. "That just makes it worse." Geoffrey gently raised his head a little, and none too soon. Matt didn't have much left in his stomach from the night before, but everything that had managed to hang around this long made an appearance. He felt as if the spasms went from his toes to his head. Finally, with a look of relief, he collapsed back onto the pillow. Karen reappeared with a cup of water, and he managed to take a sip or two through the straw and spit it back up. His mouth felt as though a rhinocerous had crawled inside it to die. "I'm going to put some more medicine in your IV to help with the nausea," Karen was saying as he rinsed and spit, and five minutes later approached him with another syringe. This time he didn't feel a rush as the medication entered his IV, but he was too spent to really care. The pain in his left ankle was growing worse, as though the twisting and turning he'd endured in X-ray had aggravated it. He no longer felt sick, but the weakness that always accompanied a bout of vomiting still hadn't left him. All in all, he was just miserable. "Do you have your weapon on you?" he whispered to Emily after Karen left. "No, why?" "I was hoping you could put me out of my misery." Emily smiled and warmed his hand between hers again. "Just try to go to sleep, Matt. My theory has always been that you can't hurt while you're sleeping." Matt closed his eyes and tried to obey.